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AZ VS Sittard


2 - 0
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Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The High Priestess

The High Priestess reveals intuitive timing for AZ, which might lead to a surprise that makes Maarten Martens life easier. On the other hand, there are certain external demands, too many derivative possibilities. Some key players should be resting because they are not at the top of their ability, and some risk injury if they are on Maarten Martens first eleven.

Match Card


This game will surely summon some past issues and what can be predicted is the path followed until here from both teams will now be subverted. Also lack of motivation will be noticed on most vulnerable players. The quickest team to perceive that uplifting to a new attitude might come on top, but don’t expect a fun match to watch.

Match Card

The Emperor

The Emperor is the most cerebral card of the deck, with all the focus striving achievement. But all this mind over heart provides only half strategy. Even though Sittard efforts will be noticed, reaching its objectives requires a good dosage of discipline. Danny Buijs needs to meditate previously for this approach to work on behalf of Sittard. If any player loses his self-control the team will lose any chance of dominance.

Prediction Highlights

9" - AZ great oportunity, shoots and missed goal.
35" - AZ shoots... and miss target.
56" - AZ Offside
74" - AZ shoots... Sittard Keeper Defense
85" - AZ Offside
93" - AZ Foul
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2025-02-18
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