DB is OK Astrokick - Astrological Football Predictions | Horoscope & Results

Mönchengladbach VS Augsburg


2 - 0

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Final Result

0 - 3


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Lovers

The Lovers predicts that Mönchengladbach will step the pitch with all heart, but less discipline. Nonetheless when feeling ambivalent they should aim for intuition. If Gerardo Seoane passes the right message to players, they will commit on the field. On the downside, so much love on the field can bring regrets on missed opportunities.

Match Card

The Star

Football fans are always aiming to watch a game with the stellar conditions that are met for this particular event. Both teams have the opportunity to honour football and play a game to be registered for many years to come. Definitely an emotional and fun game between these two teams.

Match Card


The Strength clearly gives the upper hand on Augsburg, with the ability and responsibility to conquer anxiety and impulses. Even if the score is not favourable, Jess Thorup mind over matter and keeping head straight will provide the power to counter and end the game above the adversary. Even with luck on Augsburg side, players have to manage energy and not spend it all at once.

Prediction Highlights

1" - Mönchengladbach Freekick...
Mönchengladbach missed target.
12" - Mönchengladbach Foul
30" - Mönchengladbach GOOOAAALLLLL
52" - Augsburg Corner Kick
60" - Mönchengladbach Offside
79" - Mönchengladbach Corner Kick
92" - Mönchengladbach GOOOAAALLLLL
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2025-02-18
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