DB is OK Astrokick - Astrological Football Predictions | Horoscope & Results

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Astrokick.com?

Astrokick.com is an online platform that delivers football predictions for the major european leagues.

Can Professor Astrokick really predict the outcome of football games using tarot cards?

Absolutely! Professor Astrokick consults the spirits, the stars, the cards, and the football gods themselves to bring you the most accurate and mystical predictions possible.

What happens if Astrokick predictions are wrong?

Hey, nothing happens. Even psychics have off days! There are no guarantees that Astrokick predictions will always be correct, but the professor promises to put his best psychic foot forward.

Can the professor predict the lottery numbers too?

Sorry, the professor psychic powers are limited to the mystical world of astrological football predictions. But if he ever develop the ability to predict lottery numbers, he’d keep it to himself anyway.

Can I get a personal reading from professor Astrokick?

Not yet. But if you're looking for guidance, we recommend seeking out a professional psychic or tarot reader (whatever that means).

How long has the professor been in the business of predicting football games?

The professor has been using his psychic powers to predict the outcome of football games since the dawn of time. In fact, he invented football so he could predict the outcomes.

Does the professor have any insider information on the teams?

The professor relies solely on tarot cards and psychic intuition to make predictions. He doesn’t have access to insider information (but if anyone wants to leak some secrets, he wouldn't complain).

Can I use Astrokick predictions to make bets?

We strongly advise against using Astrokick predictions for gambling purposes. Astrokick predictions are for entertainment purposes only, and should not be relied upon for making any financial decisions. Astrokick is not a betting website. Only predictions and tips here, and you should use those responsibly in your life.

Is Astrokick a gambling wesbite or platform?

NO! Astrokick exists for entertainment only.

How often are astrological football predictions based on tarot readings updated?

Astrological football predictions based on tarot readings are updated regularly to reflect changes in energies and influences that may affect match outcomes. But they are never changed after or during the game.

How much does it cost to access astrological football predictions based on tarot readings?

It's FREE! At least for now. If you wish to keep it free register and get a free-pass ahead on Astrokick full-release.

Thanks for checking out the FAQ section!

Remember, the universe has a sense of humor too, so don't take everything too seriously.
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