DB is OK Astrokick - Astrological Football Predictions | Horoscope & Results

Chelsea VS Tottenham


3 - 1

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Final Result

2 - 0


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Magician

The Magician arrives with high hopes; if all goes as planned, Mauricio Pochettino will have a huge influence on his team, attaining full potential and establishing a fresh beginning for Chelsea. It is an opportunity to make a difference, and it should be used to effect positive change. Chelsea supporters can only hope that Mauricio Pochettino recognizes this great time, since if it employs the same tactics as in past games, all of this positiveness will be lost. There will be gains in team performance and strength, as well as a boost in public opinion.

Match Card


It won’t be a fast pace game, but at any time during match time there might be an awakening letting go of the past dynamic served on the first moments. Nervous players will be punished with no second chances, potentially defining the game in that sense. Jumping to conclusions is the risk taken in this day by anyone at the stadium.

Match Card

The Lovers

The Lovers predicts that Tottenham will step the pitch with all heart, but less discipline. Nonetheless when feeling ambivalent they should aim for intuition. If Ange Postecoglou passes the right message to players, they will commit on the field. On the downside, so much love on the field can bring regrets on missed opportunities.

Prediction Highlights

8" - Tottenham Foul
11" - Chelsea Foul
14" - Chelsea shoots... Tottenham Keeper Defense
18" - Tottenham Foul
27" - Tottenham Yellow Card -> Chelsea Freekick...
31" - Tottenham Offside
53" - Chelsea shoots... and miss target.
54" - Chelsea Foul
69" - Confusion in Chelsea penalty box. Referee decided for a penalty. -> Tottenham GOOOAAALLLLL
71" - Tottenham Foul
74" - Tottenham Foul
75" - Chelsea Corner Kick
85" - Chelsea Corner Kick
91" - Chelsea GOOOAAALLLLL
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2024-03-12
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