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Burnley VS Newcastle


1 - 2

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Final Result

1 - 4


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Wheel Of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune appeals for change, but this time the risk is having a traumatic moment. Vincent Kompany will have a low influence on his team and there is not much he can do at this time, it all depends on past decisions. Burnley needs to take action and have the initiative to achieve their objectives. When reaching a upper hand, the wiser action is to retract and defend the score. If things don’t happen positively as expected, there will be a need to resist the stress of change, at the worst case losing points.

Match Card

The Sun

The sun is a premonition for an excellent match with team play from both sides. It will improve during match time, so if it starts strongly it will end even better. The ball will surely hit the net more than once. Some players might not handle their ego so well, some rookie mistakes may appear mostly on the second half.

Match Card

The Star

The Star will bring more confidence and inspiration to meet Newcastle objective. For this to happen Eddie Howe must think big, take risks and share a positive vibe with the players, as he is in a good spot to share the light and happiness with others. Every planes of Newcastle existence are at the top of the game.

Prediction Highlights

7" - Burnley broke the defensive lines, missed finalization!
8" - Burnley shoots... the ball hit the post!
19" - Burnley shoots... Newcastle Keeper Save
20" - Burnley Corner Kick
22" - Newcastle Foul
27" - Newcastle Offside
53" - Burnley desperate foul. No doubt it is a penalty. -> Newcastle GOOOAAALLLLL
54" - Burnley great oportunity, shoots and missed goal.
59" - Newcastle Corner Kick
61" - Burnley GOOOAAALLLLL
83" - Newcastle GOOOAAALLLLL
87" - Newcastle Foul
91" - Newcastle Foul
93" - Burnley goalkeeper mistake. Penalty. -> Newcastle missed Penalty!
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2024-03-12
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