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Wolfsburg VS Darmstadt


1 - 0

Warning: Undefined variable $timeDiff in /customers/4/b/4/astrokick.com/httpd.www/matchprofile.php on line 98 2024-05-04 14:30


Final Result

3 - 0


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Hierophant

The Hierophant strongly advises to handle the current tension by sticking to a routine. This is not the time to be unconventional or make experiments. As long as Niko Kovac has provided assertive rules and as long as the team follows orders a positive result should be ahead. Wolfsburg should invest on defense first and bet on a traditional strategy. If these criteria are met, Wolfsburg has a good probability to score some points.

Match Card

The World

Whatever has to be decided, this game is a premonition that phase is reaching its peak and near the end. Players will show a need for rest, but still have the energy to be competent with inspirational bursts. Counterattacks will define one the strategies as a way of managing drive and vitality.

Match Card

The Star

The Star will bring more confidence and inspiration to meet Darmstadt objective. For this to happen Torsten Lieberknecht must think big, take risks and share a positive vibe with the players, as he is in a good spot to share the light and happiness with others. Every planes of Darmstadt existence are at the top of the game.

Prediction Highlights

4" - Wolfsburg broke the defensive lines, missed finalization!
5" - Wolfsburg clearing pass, attacker missed by a thread.
10" - Wolfsburg Foul
19" - Darmstadt Red Card -> Darmstadt Foul
25" - Wolfsburg GOOOAAALLLLL
54" - Wolfsburg Foul
61" - Wolfsburg Foul
66" - Wolfsburg Offside
77" - Wolfsburg Offside
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2024-03-12
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