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Toulouse FC VS Montpellier


Toulouse FC
0 - 1

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Final Result

Toulouse FC
1 - 2


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Magician

The Magician arrives with high hopes; if all goes as planned, Carles Martínez will have a huge influence on his team, attaining full potential and establishing a fresh beginning for Toulouse FC. It is an opportunity to make a difference, and it should be used to effect positive change. Toulouse FC supporters can only hope that Carles Martínez recognizes this great time, since if it employs the same tactics as in past games, all of this positiveness will be lost. There will be gains in team performance and strength, as well as a boost in public opinion.

Match Card


The best advantage of dealing with Justice, is that it will be a balanced and fair game. As cause and effect is a mantra, the most working and talented team will see its reward without surprises. What one must avoid is breaking the harmony of the game, and leaving the decision to the referee as he will act with discipline.

Match Card

The Hermit

The Hermit advises Montpellier to be introspective, to look inside the organisation and reach new conclusions. Although it is a time to be conservative, and only apply changes when a new cycle begins. Michel Der Zakarian has to endure on being patient as success and recognition are near. It is risky to make bold approaches, fortune is foreseen in the future but not at the moment.

Prediction Highlights

3" - Montpellier Corner Kick
51" - Toulouse FC Corner Kick
57" - Toulouse FC Foul
57" - Montpellier GOOOAAALLLLL
90" - Montpellier Foul
91" - Toulouse FC Foul
94" - Toulouse FC Corner Kick
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2023-12-15
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