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Moreirense VS Vizela


0 - 1

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Final Result

1 - 0


Goal Margin
Goals Sum
Exact Result
Tarot Cards for this match
Home Card

The Magician

The Magician arrives with high hopes; if all goes as planned, Rui Borges will have a huge influence on his team, attaining full potential and establishing a fresh beginning for Moreirense. It is an opportunity to make a difference, and it should be used to effect positive change. Moreirense supporters can only hope that Rui Borges recognizes this great time, since if it employs the same tactics as in past games, all of this positiveness will be lost. There will be gains in team performance and strength, as well as a boost in public opinion.

Match Card

The Sun

The sun is a premonition for an excellent match with team play from both sides. It will improve during match time, so if it starts strongly it will end even better. The ball will surely hit the net more than once. Some players might not handle their ego so well, some rookie mistakes may appear mostly on the second half.

Match Card

The High Priestess

The High Priestess reveals intuitive timing for Vizela, which might lead to a surprise that makes Pablo Villar life easier. On the other hand, there are certain external demands, too many derivative possibilities. Some key players should be resting because they are not at the top of their ability, and some risk injury if they are on Pablo Villar first eleven.

Prediction Highlights

3" - Moreirense Foul
5" - Moreirense shoots... the ball hit the bar!
20" - Moreirense Offside
27" - Vizela shoots... the ball hit the post!
40" - Moreirense Foul
58" - Moreirense desperate foul. No doubt it is a penalty. -> Vizela GOOOAAALLLLL
66" - Vizela Offside
68" - Vizela Corner Kick
76" - Vizela Corner Kick
89" - Vizela Foul
All times are in UTC Time.
Last Update 2024-03-12
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